How to get from Havana to Varadero and where to stay in Varadero
Some travelers who come to Cuba themselves, faced with some difficulty that tickets to Havana are sometimes an order of magnitude cheaper than to Varadero. The question arises, how to get from Havana to Cuba's most popular beach resort of Varadero and how much does it cost.

How much does a taxi from Havana to Varadero
It's quite simple to get to Varadero directly from Havana airport by taxi for 80-100 CUC (1CUC for the price - it's somewhere between $ 1 and 1 Euro). This method is the easiest and most convenient. Drivers allow to sit four passengers in the car, so some travellers can can find themselves fellow travelers to pay less. But there is one minus of this way that you will immediately leave to Varadero, without seeing the capital of Cuba - Havana.

In one of the articles you can find information about how to get to Havana airport and where to stay. If you still remained in Havana for one or more days, then here are some ways how to get to the city of Varadero. Again, the easiest way is in any part of the city to catch a taxi and negotiate with the driver about the price. Our friends in the old city center agreed with a taxi driver of beautiful retro car 50's release for 70 CUC. It's not too expensive for 3 people.

The cheapest way is the bus. Ticket for the bus costs 10 CUC. Distance to the Varadero is only 130 km. It is about a one and half hour drive by taxi. Bus goes about 3 hours because it makes stops. Bus station in appearance is not very remarkable, and not everyone knows about it. It is across the street from the main entrance of the Lenin Park (Esp. Parque Lenin) on Avenida Zoologico Street at the crossing with Calle 26.
Coordinates and photos of bus station in Havana

There are taxi drivers near the station, who take away already cheaper for 60 CUC. We found on the station two travel companions and decided not to wait for the bus and took this taxi. However, we did not go by the retro car, it was Audi. It's even a little frustrating in Cuba.

So, we paid just 15 CUC per person and a taxi driver have sent all of us to the hotels. He even was helping us to find Casa Partikular (home of local residents), until we found appropriate price and comfort housing option a little outside of Varadero. He made at least 5 stops and asked local people about a location of some casas. Many thanks to him for that! So, if you still go by bus, you need to come into the station. You will see the stand on the right side, which sells tickets for tomorrow, day after tomorrow, and so on. If you want to go immediately, then come to the station about 11 am or about 4 pm. Walking up the stairs directly in the terminal, right you will see a table, which sells tickets for the "now". Departure of buses to January 2015 was approximately at 13:00 and 17:30. There is a local style shop and a cafe in the terminal.